


We offer 5 types of workshops:

  • Leadership Development
  • Employee Development
  • Integrated Team Approach
  • Custom
  • Public

The Mindset of Leadership
2-day Workshop

Organizations find that The Mindset of Leadership 2-day Workshop provides a simple, powerful foundation for anyone who needs to influence others – from project managers to team leads to supervisors to middle managers to senior executives.

In this powerful, two-day experiential workshop, participants learn and practice skills to help them inspire, lead and succeed – at work and at home.

Participants learn:

  • A process for increasing collaboration and mutual support among team members and/or groups.
  • The “nuts and bolts” of how to build trust and establish accountability.
  • A powerful formula for getting “unstuck” from nagging issues while moving themselves and their co-workers forward to finding solutions.
  • A personal technology for making long lasting change in behavior.
  • How to listen at 3 levels for the real message while managing the inside mental chatter.
  • How to handle a difficult issue with another person and actually enhance your relationship in the process.

You and your colleagues will leave this workshop with a toolbox focused on how to achieve results while building positive relationships and a good work environment.

In addition, we offer a 4 hour “refresher” of this workshop called “Recharge Your Mindset”.  Recommend participants attend 6 months after initial Mindset 2-Day workshop.

Formula for Results
4-hour Workshop

In this interactive and experiential 4-hour workshop, participants learn a powerful and practical formula for defining and creating the results they want.  When they apply this formula to situations or problems, they can change their mindset from reactive to proactive, and change their lives – at work and at home.

Participants learn how to:

  • Identify where they are sidetracked or stuck – and what to do about it.
  • Use a process to design and develop a desired outcome or result.
  • Find creative responses to achieve their desired outcome.

You and your co-workers will leave this workshop ready to use the formula in solving everyday problems, meetings, conversations, resolving conflict,  organizing email communications, presentations, etc.

Integrated Team Approach

Organizations have utilized this approach as a method to transform their culture, inspire collaboration and increase employee engagement.  We provide a tool and common language the team can use to increase teamwork, improve communication, be proactive, focus on results and solve problems creatively.

In this approach, supervisors first attend The Mindset of Leadership 2-day Workshop.  Then in a 4-hour workshop, supervisors and employees together learn and experience a powerful formula for results.  They apply their learning real-time and together solve either a team or organizational issue.

Custom Workshops

Once we understand your needs, we design, develop and deliver highly customized leadership and team development workshops to support your training objectives.

Public Workshops


  • TBD


We provide consulting services to better understand your issues and design a custom solution.

Read What Our Clients Say About Us


At Introspect, we design, develop, and deliver personal and interpersonal leadership training and products. Our strong business experience supports us in tailoring the training just for you. Our programs enhance adult learning through simulations, activities, and practice. This experiential approach creates a learning-rich environment where participants “try on” the skills and concepts.

In these changing times, you need a reliable business partner when you outsource your leadership training requirements. We get to know you, your team, and your organization. We context the training to meet your specific needs. Participants leave with a toolbox filled with easy-to-use processes, formulas and models for high performance communication. With our turn key approach and proven processes, you can trust us to deliver success.


“How To” Methods. We believe that “what you do” and “how you do it” are more important than what you know. With practice, coaching and feedback, participants learn processes, formulas and models they can apply immediately.

Long-Lasting Change. Instead of putting a Band-Aid on limiting behavior, participants learn a proprietary personal technology to change their behavior and become better leaders.

Critical Conversations. Participants learn easy-to-use tools that enable collaboration, problem solving, conflict resolution and accountability.

Stickiness Factor. The toolbox creates a common language that is practical, simple, powerful, fun and memorable.

Depth & Experience. Our trainers are senior level leaders who connect through “real world” experiences and stories.

Applicable to All Audiences. Our programs offer a common language usable by everyone, regardless of title, education, experience or generation.

Reinforcement & Integration. Participants receive tools to assist them as they incorporate their new skills into their lives. These tools also support organizations who want to institutionalize the common language. We assist teams and organizations in designing and implementing a reinforcement strategy.

No Charge Introspect Guarantee. This is a “life line” for participants who may need brief support or coaching after a workshop.